Thursday, February 26, 2009
The Mountain Before Me (or so it seems)
Well it's seems like Satan has been busy. So when it seems like you have done all you can do, pray and pray some more right? So that is just what I have decided to do. I heard a friend mention her "prayer journals", so I thought what a great idea. Often times in my prayer life I find my mind wondering all over the place, which I know is another way that Satan is at work, he wants me to be distracted when I'm talking to God. So I started my very own prayer journal today. So far I can already see how God has worked in a situation that I mentioned in prayer just this morning. God is good and I know that he will be with along this journey. I'm looking forward to see how God is going to work. He never ceases to amaze me. Also, Tina if your reading this, Thanks so much for being so understanding. You will never know how much I appreciate it and I'm praying that God will bless you for your kindness. I love you!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Celebrating Jacob
Well Jacob's birthday was last week (the 18th) and we celebrated his birthday with the family and a few friends on Saturday night. I really think he had a great time. All the kids were great! And the conversation was good as well. I've been blessed with such amazing people in my life. Here are a few photos of the celebrations!
Here is Jacob and his buddies celebrating on his actual birthday, they came home with him from school.
Jacob got a basketball goal for his birthday from Grandma and Grandpa and mommy and daddy. He was pretty surprised!
Here is the birthday boy and all his friends (mostly family!)
I think he really enjoyed his birthday parties and I know he is really enjoying all of his new toys!!! He is a great kid and deserves to be fussed over every now and then!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
My Little Man

I can't even believe it was 6 years ago today that I became a mommy! Jacob Steven was born on February 18, 2003 at 10:55 at night. What a long day that was. I remember it so well. It was over President's Day weekend that I first realized that I might be leaking fluid, so I went into Labor and Delivery on the Monday (this was the holiday, I remember because I was off work), they ran different tests on me all of which came back negative for the amniotic fluid so Dr. Stuppy said he wanted to see me in his office the next day just to check me again. So Tuesday morning I got up and went into the doctor (before work) and he did one more test on me to make sure it wasn't the amniotic fluid, well this one came back positive (this was the more conclusive test of all of them that was ran). Dr. Stuppy told me to go ahead and check myself into the hospital, that I would be having my baby boy today! I freaked!! I was all alone, Matt had just had knee surgery the week before and he couldn't drive and I hadn't even packed my bag (this was 2 weeks early ya know!!) Well fortunately Tina was able to go and help him get my bag ready so that my mom could come straight up there with me.
Around 8:30 or 9:00 that morning I was induced and he came into our world that night. I wasn't quit expecting it to be as hard as it was, he was what they call "sunny side up" he came out looking up instead of looking down. This made it incredibly hard to push him out. I pushed for 2 hours. My body was going into shock, I began throwing up in between all the positions they had me to push. I ended up with a 4Th degree tear.
That night Jacob ended up in the NICU and we ended up staying and extra night in the hospital to make sure he was OK. It was a tough time for us both. I would endure every bit of the pain again, just to have this special man in my life. He has forever changed me. I never knew it was possible to love anyone as much as I love my child. God gave me that gift in Jacob. I'm so blessed. I love him more than I can put into words. I have loved making all kinds of memories with Jacob for the past 6 years and I can't wait to make many many more.
Jacob, mommy loves you so much and I'm so proud of you for being you!! Have a great 6Th birthday baby! I love you!! ----Mommy
Monday, February 16, 2009
You just never know what she will say next...
Abby definitely keeps us on our toes that way. She completely cracks me up. Yesterday Jacob and Abby were fighting and arguing most of the day. They were just basically mouthing one not her non stop. Well out of the blue Abby tells Jacob "You will be hearing from my lawyers". I busted out laughing! I couldn't for the life of me think where she had heard that before. Then it came to me, she heard it from the movie the The Little Rascals. I'm telling you with Abby, you never know what to expect!!!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!!!
Well my little princess has officially attended her first school dance, and according to her aunt Meme, she danced the night away. Tammy's school was having some sort of dance and she invited Ethan and Abby to accompany her. Abby was so excited. She loves to dance and she loves to go and do. She even had to take her purse. She was too cute. Thanks Tammy for taking her, she really had a great time. In fact, we had a movie night after she got home, we were watching Madagascar 2 and she couldn't even make it through the whole movie (which she loves) she told me that she was just too tired and she went and climbed into her bed and was asleep in a couple of minutes. She really wore herself out. That is one girl who knows who to have fun!
The Big 30!
Well, remember what I said about having the best husband in the world, well I guess that is still true, however he is also the orneriest as well. He threw a surprise party for my 30th (I was not at all excited about turning 30 either). Most of my family was there and allot of my friends. He had gotten me a black cake with an old lady on it with gray hair (which I'm sensitive about as well, since I have a few!) He had a rocking chair out for me to sit in, in front of everyone (again not one of my favorite things to do). I know that 30 isn't old, I just like being able to say that I was in my twenties. Anyway, he somehow managed to take the birthday I was dreading for a long time and turned it into something I will always remember and hold dear. It took allot of planning on his part to pull this off, and allot of hard work, and that is just a little insight on how much he loves me, he is truly amazing and I know I'm very blessed to have him in my life. I know he could have done this without the help of my sisters and my mom, again just another way I'm blessed. I have the best sisters in the world and in them, I also have two of the best friends I will ever have and my mom fits right in there with them. I'm so thankful for all of them!
Jacob's Surgery Day
Well on Thursday, February 5th, Jacob had his surgery to put in more ear tubes (his second set) and take out his adenoids. I was a little apprehensive just because Abby went through this same surgery in May 2008 and she didn't do so well. It seemed to totally alter her personality for a couple of weeks. Well, Jacob handled it completely different. He came through the surgery with flying colors and was acting like normal by later that afternoon other than just looking really sleepy! We had promised him he could pick out a new DS game if he was really brave and he even felt like doing that errand before going home. The child amazes me. He is my tough guy. The hardest thing for Jacob I think has been not being able to run and play like he wants to. The doctor says he can't participate in strenuous activity for 2 weeks. That means no recess or P.E. class. I feel really bad for the guy. He stayed home from school today just to get one more day of rest in, the last couple of days he comments allot on how is throat is really sore. Plus daddy really felt strongly about keeping him here. You see when the adenoids are taken out, while they are healing, you have really stinky breathe (it's bad!) and Matt is really worried that someone might tease him about it. I think if it were up to Matt, he would go back until that was gone all together, but we know that we can't do that. He will be going back to school tomorrow. He is ready, we would just protect him as long as possible if we could. We are so thankful for how God was with him through this whole process, it really has been a piece of cake!!
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