Tuesday, December 8, 2009

"Living Beyond Myself"

I have just started a Bible Study with a friend of mine and have been slapped in the face by what I'm reading countless times already. It is truly amazing! We are studying Living Beyond Yourself by Beth Moore. Once again, she is amazing! This study teaches how to live beyond our self and live in the Spirit. I have wasted so much time and energy on the things that don't matter, and not enough living the life God has for me. A life full of joy and peace and love. I could go on and on.

In the weeks to come we will be studying in depth each of part of the fruit of the spirit. The first week we discussed who and what the Holy Spirit is and what all he does for us. This week we are learning how love. I can't wait to see what else God has to show me through this study!

God is so good!

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